Media Placements

Positioning your brand's message in the right place at the right time is critical for your content strategy.

Not seeing your medium? Contact us anyway. We have many custom options available for you.

With media fragmentation growing and screens proliferating, capturing your audience's attention has never been so easy and so complex. Luckily, we have a team that can help you chart success through a multichannel approach.

Podcast Advertising

Podcasting is on the rise and is now an integral part of most marketing plans. MultiVu's Podcast Advertising leverages all the benefits of this medium by airing your message on the right shows for your brand, products, and services.

TV Show Packages

Despite the gains in handheld electronic devices, TV is still the most popular medium for news consumption. MultiVu's Strategy and Distribution teams can help you place your message during morning or daytime news shows on the national or local level through our full broadcast video packages.

Audio News Releases

Did you know that radio reaches up to 92% of Americans each week? Reach these audiences during their daily commutes with our Audio News Release packages.

Digital, Streaming, and Social

Connect with audiences as they access their favorite websites, streaming programs, and social media feeds. We have many tactics to help you engage these audiences, including Pandora, Full Episode Player / Connected TV, Pre-Roll, display ads, native ads, and much more.

Spot ran as pre-roll online in Europe


Want to see your brand's name up in lights? We've got you covered with many options, including (but not limited to):

  • Taxi and Rideshare TV
  • Patient Waiting Room Networks
  • Billboards
  • Subways
  • Airport Digital Screens

Spot ran in taxis in NYC

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