Connect and engage with your audience

Whether you’re conducting an earnings call with shareholders, want to invite customers and prospects to learn more about your ESG initiatives, are launching a new a service or simply have a message that you’d like to share, interactive webcasts are a dynamic and effective communications platform for all that and more. And when it’s over, your archived webcast can be added to your company website, shared on social media or even used as an asset within subsequent messages. This extends the life of your content and offers an even greater value for your investment.

Webcasting can help you:

Win the attention of investors & analysts
Launch new products or service announcements
Generate quality leads
Broadcast ESG initiatives
Provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional executive training
Access to new channels to make your communication plan more efficient


Choose the right webcast solution for your message and then watch it come to life!

Video Webcast

Give your audience a premium webcast experience with a live or archived video webcast featuring video and slides

Basic Video Webcast
  • Up to 250 viewers
  • 1-hr live webcast with synchronized slides
  • Up to 2 webcam video presenters
    • Additional presenters will be audio only
  • Q&A widget
  • One year archive
  • Transcripts with 48-hour turnaround
  • Dedicated webcast URL with registration
  • Presenter controlled slide integration, if requested
  • Includes 30-minute tech check and rehearsal
Full Video Webcast
  • Up to 500 viewers
  • 90-minute live event
  • Cision to provide dedicated Creative and Webcast producer for each event
    • Creative producer who acts as technical director, tests/manages video feeds, set up talent shots, graphic creation and overlay.
    • Webcast producer who builds webcast pages, implements creative features, manages the live event feed, and system.
  • Includes 1-hr tech-check and rehearsal
  • Up to 4 webcam presenters
    • Additional presenters are an additional cost
  • Includes lower thirds/overlays – created by Creative team/producer
  • Downloadable mp4 master video available upon request.
  • Webcast link to be archived for 1 year
  • Audience Analytics: Registration information, live view totals, total views, duration, and submitted questions.
  • Lead Generation – ‘contact us’ button
  • Transcripts with 24-hour turnaround
  • Dedicated webcast URL with registration
  • Presenter controlled slide integration if requested
  • Q&A Text Widget
Deluxe Video Webcast
  • Up to 1000 views, with option to add-on additional viewers
  • Up to 2-hr live event, with option to add-on additional time
  • Cision to provide dedicated Creative and Webcast producer for each event
    • Creative producer who acts as technical director, tests/manages video feeds, set up talent shots, graphic creation and overlay.
    • Webcast producer who builds webcast pages, implements creative features, manages the live event feed, and system.
  • Lower Thirds/Overlays, Advanced Webcam Layout
  • Unlimited webcam presenters
  • 1hr tech-check and rehearsal before event
    • Full end-to-end rehearsal – vary
  • MultiVu’s studio to receive incoming videos via Zoom
  • Composite multiple signals into one switched master – multiple talents connecting to become one master video
  • Ability to hot roll precut video and graphics
  • Encoding and streaming from studio control room
  • Graphic Creation (lower thirds, title slates)
  • Dedicated webcast URL with registration
  • Presenter controlled slide integration if requested
  • Password protection and Domain Restriction as requested
  • Q&A Text Widget
  • HD adaptive bitrate streams available
  • 1 year archive

Audio Webcast

Bring your message to life through the power of verbal communication and interactions.

Level 1 Audio Webcast
  • 75-minute single audio stream
  • Custom webcast layout with corporate logo
  • Mobile optimized
  • Customized registration of webcast attendees
  • Reporting: Webcast participant list
  • Up to 500 simultaneous live viewers
  • Unlimited archive viewers
  • Archived for one year
  • Two (2) US National Webcast Notification Releases
  • Ensure your information is secure with webcast password protection, HTTP referrer restrictions, and secure event entry
Level 2 Audio Webcast
  • 75-minute single audio stream
  • Viewer controlled slide show
  • Downloadable assets (where you can include PDFs of presentations)
  • Customized webcast layout & design with corporate logo
  • Mobile optimized
  • Customized registration of webcast attendees
  • Event Description & Corporate profile
  • Reporting dashboard: Real time metrics with viewer and event activity (exportable to .XLSX)
  • Up to 500 simultaneous live viewers
  • Unlimited archive viewers
  • Archived for one year
  • Two (2) US National Webcast Notification Releases
  • Registration confirmation email with calendar reminder *Available at an additional cost*
  • Integrated polling, surveys and live Q&A *Available at an additional cost*
  • Ensure your information is secure with webcast password protection, HTTP referrer restrictions, and secure event entry
Level 3 Audio Webcast
  • 75-minute single audio stream
  • Presenter controlled slide show
  • Downloadable assets (where you can include PDFs of presentations)
  • Customized webcast layout & design with corporate logo
  • Mobile optimized
  • Customized registration of webcast attendees
  • Event Description & Corporate profile
  • Reporting dashboard: Real time metrics with viewer and event activity (exportable to .XLSX)
  • Up to 500 simultaneous live viewers
  • Unlimited archive viewers
  • Archived for one year
  • Two (2) US National Webcast Notification Releases
  • Registration confirmation email with calendar reminder *Available at an additional cost*
  • Integrated polling, surveys and live Q&A *Available at an additional cost*
  • Ensure your information is secure with webcast password protection, HTTP referrer restrictions, and secure event entry


Engage and interact with your shareholders with a cost-effective solution for earnings calls, annual meetings, analyst days, and more.

Pre-registration: Users can register online in advance of the call. Each user is given a conference call phone number and unique PIN to enter the call.

Private labeling: Customize conference access numbers so that participants are greeted with a unique message specific to your event upon entering the call.

Dial In/Out telephone service: MultiVu offers toll-free or direct dial (412 area code) telephone numbers to reach our highly skilled conference specialists, or we will gladly dial out to conference call participants worldwide.

Full Conference Monitoring (FCM): MultiVu will manage and support the entire event with an experienced conference specialist standing by on the conference call for on-demand assistance.

Digital recording: Record your conference event for future reference.

View Q&A: A powerful web-based tool that allows participants to submit questions to the conference specialist through a Q&A queue or via a chat feature.

Q&A session: When prompted by the event host, MultiVuTM will moderate an orderly introduction of individual participants that have indicated their wish to ask a question.

Back-line connection: Using a separate telephone line, hosts may communicate directly with the conference specialist without interrupting the event. This feature is helpful for screening questions, verifying disconnects and adding or removing parties.

Quality monitoring: Conference specialists will routinely and unobtrusively monitor a short sampling of the audio conference to ensure optimal sound quality.

Participant list: A list of conference participants will be provided via email.

Replay Options: Complementary mp3 or 7-day dial in replay of your live event. *Additional fee for both*

Custom scripting: Audio conference scripts can be fully customized to meet your needs.

Prerecording: multiple options available for an additional cost

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